VitalSleep Anti Snoring Mouthguard

VitalSleep Anti Snoring Mouthguard
Stop Snoring Mouthguard by VitalSleep

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Using Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate to Stop Snoring

A common drug used to combat varicose veins, sodium tetradecyl sulfate, is now being touted as a possible solution to stop snoring. First introduced in 2001 this drug has reportedly had an over 90% success rate making it an ideal solution to those suffering from snoring – and those who must endure it with their partners.

The soft palate is located in the back of your mouth above your throat. Normally snoring is caused by the ruffling of tissues in the back of your throat – with the most common type of snoring called palatal flutter snoring. The treatments involve injections of sodium tetradecyl sulfate into this area.

The treatment is easily administered in a physician’s office in just a few minutes. A topical anesthetic is used on the roof of the mouth and then a very small needle is used to create a small blister or bleb under the mucous membrane of the soft palate. There will be minor throat discomfort and a pain medication is usually provided after the procedure.

Within a few weeks the area will heal by tightening up and scarring occurs thereby stiffening the palate so that it is no longer soft. This in turn will decrease the vibrations caused by snoring but within the next two to three months there should be further improvement. Some people require several injections before the results reduce or alleviate the problem entirely.

As a treatment it is far less expensive than surgery or laser procedures especially since these procedures are usually considered “cosmetic” by the insurance companies so they are not covered by your medical plan. However, this is not a treatment that is designed to eliminate the underlying cause of the snoring which in many cases could be more serious sleep disorders like sleep apnea.

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